Hillary – The Corruption Never Ends
More and more details keep surfacing about the corruption of the Clintons. The biggest contributors to Hillary are Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, and Citibank. After all, it was the Clintons who repealed...
View ArticleDonald Trump Now #1 in Polls
Trump is hitting very hard, clearly tapping into the emerging anti-establishment politician trend. He bluntly states, “Who do you want negotiating with China? Trump or Bush?” You could expand that to...
View ArticleWhy the Politicians are Laughing – Hillary’s Unapologetic Corruption
According to the Wall Street Journal, total donations by UBS to the Clinton Foundation grew from less than $60,000 at the end of 2008 to approximately $600,000 by the end of 2014. The Wall Street...
View ArticleHillary – Anyone Else Would Be Prosecuted
On Wednesday, NBC News host Chuck Todd said, “This is no longer — she can’t just say this is a partisan witch hunt by the House Republicans. The FBI is now investigating, regarding the classified info...
View ArticleHillary – The Corruption Never Ends
More and more details keep surfacing about the corruption of the Clintons. The biggest contributors to Hillary are Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, and Citibank. After all, it was the Clintons who repealed...
View ArticleDonald Trump Now #1 in Polls
Trump is hitting very hard, clearly tapping into the emerging anti-establishment politician trend. He bluntly states, “Who do you want negotiating with China? Trump or Bush?” You could expand that to...
View ArticleWhy the Politicians are Laughing – Hillary’s Unapologetic Corruption
According to the Wall Street Journal, total donations by UBS to the Clinton Foundation grew from less than $60,000 at the end of 2008 to approximately $600,000 by the end of 2014. The Wall Street...
View ArticleHillary – Anyone Else Would Be Prosecuted
On Wednesday, NBC News host Chuck Todd said, “This is no longer — she can’t just say this is a partisan witch hunt by the House Republicans. The FBI is now investigating, regarding the classified info...
View ArticleHillary’s Bad Week
Crooked Hillary, as she is starting be known as even behind the curtain, is really helping Trump because many Republicans who did not like Trump see her as just outright evil. Hillary is now falling...
View ArticleHillary is Really Corrupt
When Hillary was the Secretary of State, she refused to appoint an Inspector General to monitor her department. It was clear that she did not want anyone snooping around so she could hide her private...
View ArticleEmails Expose Hillary & Insider Trading on Greek Bailouts?
The Clinton scandals will provide endless TV entertainment, which may be more like a reality TV show with the Kardashians. Most people think it will be Donald Trump. Trump may give us some frank...
View ArticleComey v Lynch
QUESTION: Do you think that Comey is protecting the Democrats by refusing to indict Hillary when he was originally appointed by a Republican? Why the switch? ANSWER: Let me explain something here. I...
View ArticleHillary’s Scandals Causing Crash in Her Polls
Ever since Comey laid out all the evidence on Hillary, her polls have been collapsing and she is now dead even with Trump. On top of that, the FBI investigators had to sign a gag order. What else are...
View ArticleHillary’s Corruption Knows No End
The revelations about Hillary are never ending. Even Donald Trump who admits buying politicians donated $100,000 to Hillary’s Foundation back in 2009. While others were handing her tens of millions to...
View ArticleNorway’s Link to Clinton Foundation & Obama — Corruption to Create World War III
QUESTION: I read your blog daily, first thing in the morning. What surprise me is your ability to see through the dust. Socrates has been of real help and thanks a lot. I have a concern within Nato...
View ArticleHillary Spent $25 Million from Clinton Foundation on Private Jets
Bob Woodard, the journalist who broke the Watergate scandal that forced Nixon to resign, has come out to say that Hillary’s Clinton Foundation is “corrupt” and “a scandal.” Hillary said she will...
View ArticleForeign Governments Cutting off Funding for Hillary
Hillary supporters claimed that the Clinton Foundation was an innocent, “charitable” organization. On his proposed first day to “Drain the Swamp,” Trump will impose a LIFETIME BAN ON LOBBYING FOR...
View ArticleClinton Donors Want to Investigate How Hillary Spent $1.5 Billion in Campaign...
Clinton’s fallout is interestingly causing an internal revolution among Hillary’s big donors. At her New York bash to “thank” her big donors of $1 million or more, she took no blame and pointed the...
View ArticleForeign Governments Have Always Tried to Interfere With US Elections
Meddling with public opinion is by no means altering the voting machines or vote tallies. Fake news statements can be countered with truth, but only when our own media is not part of a domestic...
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